As with most everything, the Idol worthy mob grew tired of serenading the quiet kid and my theme was forgotten and unceremoniously dropped as quickly as it had began. I remember the overwhelming feelings of relief the first day out on that kickball field when I didn't have to cover my ears and repeatedly scream, "Shut up - shut up - shut up!"
Aren't memories wonderful? So began years of peace...until.
Fast forward to my late teen years when I had the fortune to meet young man that noticed what our favorite little drum major had so many years before. Well I must have shot him quite the look as he recoiled in alarm at my reaction, but he was quite the prince charming and convinced me that it was "sorta cute". Ya old smoothie. Anyhow, he was quick history but had helped me recover from that terrible, awful, tragic time in my childhood
So there you have it. The story behind little LAM and a better understanding of my aversion to kickball fields.

~LeeAnn M.
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